Category: NatureWritingChallenge

The Howling Toilet Wolves of Yellowstone National Park

Some stories need to be told. Some are so incredible, inspiring and bigly amazing that to hold them back would be one of the great injustices of the world. This might just be one of those tales. Written in just one hour for this week’s #NatureWritingChallenge, I present the following. 

How Public Lands Have Changed for Me Over the Past 15 Years

2003. What a year. Some will recall it as the start of the decline of post-September 11th patriotism. A few will remember it was the year the Florida Marlins, Tampa Bay Buccaneers, New Jersey Devils and San Antonia Spurs won their sporting championships. A handful will relive the explosion of space shuttle Columbia as it …

Summer Vacations Were Meant For Public Lands

I have been told that I am very observant, but that isn’t true. I usually don’t notice people’s new haircuts. I rarely pick up on small changes, like new pictures in room. I gloss over details so much that doubt I could describe a family member in detail for a police sketch artist. I forget …

Where I Usually Introduce People to Public Lands

There are few moments as rewarding as experiencing a National Park with someone who has never been there. As they gaze upon your favorite places, overcome with wonder and feeling awestruck at the splendor of nature, I become filled a true happiness. For many of us, when we get to share our happy places with …

#NatureWritingChallenge is Back for Season Two!!

It is with much excitement that The Outdoor Society announces Season Two of #NatureWritingChallenge! We took a break for the summer months, but now that signs of fall are all around us, it is time to pick back up this awesome writing exercise. With a whole new layout and new topics, those who love writing …

Elwha River Wanderings And Musings

Tumbling down from the craggy summits of the Olympic Mountains, the rivers of Olympic National Park are as wild and scenic as anywhere in the world. Fueled by glaciers, melting snowpack and endless deluges of rain, the waterways of the Pacific Northwest’s iconic peninsula are our lifeblood. Water transforms the region into a hydrological wonderland- …