Category: Find the Animal

Find the Animal Friday: A Yellowstone Coyote on a Snowy Hillside

Have you ever looked at a hillside and assumed that an animal was sitting on it, staring at you? You may have even stopped and scanned with a pair of binoculars or a spotting scope, but despite your efforts, you couldn’t find it. Nature’s camouflage is an incredible thing, and today, I’m putting your spotting …

Find The Animal Friday: Mountain Goats and the Gardner River

On July 24th, 2024, temperatures in Yellowstone National Park were hovering near the 90s. Smoke from fires in Canada created a haze, but not enough to block the sun’s toasty rays. While many were floating the river outside of the park or munching on ice cream from numerous shops inside the park, I was on …

Find the Animal: The One With the Wolves Following the Bison

It was April 10th, 2023 and the warmth of spring was finally making an appearance in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. It had recently snowed, and would be snowing a few days later, but on this date, the temperature in the park was nearly 50 degrees Fahrenheit. It was truly glorious and knowing what the forecast …

Find the Animal: The One with the Grizzly and the Trees

It was near the end of April, 2022 in Yellowstone National Park and wildlife watching was picking up speed. The air had a warmth to it that felt out of place. The snowpack was dwindling fast and all around the park, it felt like this was going to be the start of a very busy …

Find the Animal: The One With the Bighorn Sheep Across the Yellowstone River

Spotting wildlife in the sweeping vistas of Yellowstone seems like it should be an easy thing to do. Yet, even with spotting scopes and binoculars scanning all over the place, animals roaming in the distance are missed by the overwhelming majority of visitors to the park. For many who visit Yellowstone, this can be extremely …

Find the Animal: The One with the Grizzly in the Snow

You never know what you may see when driving in Yellowstone. In this week’s installment of Find the Animal, I share a picture of a grizzly bear during a snowstorm, as seen from the road connecting Mammoth Hot Springs to the Norris Geyser Basin. It is a decently easy animal to spot in this picture …

Find the Animal Friday: The One With the Lone Wolf and Baby Pronghorn

This week on Find the Animal Friday, I take a look back at a June day in Yellowstone national Park’s Lamar Valley. Known by many as the Serengeti of North America, Lamar Valley is a spot where wildlife watchers from all over the world come to, hoping to see wolves, grizzlies, bison and all the …

Find the Animal: The One with the Hiding Grizzly in the Sage

The first grizzly of the year has been spotted in Yellowstone National Park, so I figured I would use this week’s post as a way to highlight how hard it may be to see a grizzly even if it is a few hundred yard away. This is by no means intended to scare anyone from …

Find the Animal: The One With the Herd of Elk and Emigrant Peak

For most of the year, the only way to reach Yellowstone’s iconic Roosevelt Arch and the North Entrance of the park in Gardiner, Montana is to drive south on Highway 89, through the appropriately named Paradise Valley. Skirting the Yellowstone River for the 53 miles between Livingston, Montana and Gardiner, Montana, Highway 89 is extra …

Find the Animal Friday: The One With the Bighorn Sheep and Bison

It was an early April morning in 2022. The interior roads had still not started opening up, leaving just the Northern Range of the park available to adventure in with ease. The snow had mostly melted out in the main areas of the region, giving ample opportunity to wander around. However, the mud was pretty …