In a breaking story out of northern British Columbia, the small region known as Hartley Bay will soon to become the center of attention, thanks to an amazing rescue of a stranded orca whale. On July 22nd, reports started coming in to the community about an orca whale stranded on rocks. Within minutes, groups from around the area, with a population of 200, came out in force to keep the whale wet and cool until the rising tides could free it. After six harrowing hours, the tide rose, the whale swam away, and the community of Hartley Bay rejoiced.
According the to Whale Point Facebook Page, which you should all follow, the whale became stranded during the dropping tide. The event will be one the community remembers for a long time.
Today was one of very high emotions. It started with a call from Eric on the Bangarang that he just spotted a beached orca. The Guardians from Hartley Bay were soon on their was, as were we at Whale Point, with WWF also on board. Eric put together a McGaver type water pump, we grabbed as many sheets as we could, and Hermann, Bunker and Nicole, Eric and myself went to shore and approached the whale as quietly as possible. It was a team effort, and fortunately on some level this transient orca understood that we were trying to help. She cried often, which tore at our hearts, but as the tide came up there were many cheers as this whale was finally free after 6+ hours of being stuck on this rock. The story of how she got there is amazing, we will write up a proper blog and already on getting a video organized. A giant thank you once again to this amazing community that comes together so quickly to protect what is sacred.
This is an amazing story, and should be followed up by following the Whale Point page. They will soon be posting a video and a full story on the event, which we will link to as they upload them.