Category: Experience

Polyamory On The Prairie: The Bison Rut In Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park, stretching across Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho, is a sanctuary for national park enthusiasts, nature aficionados, and researchers of all fields. Among its many natural marvels, the bison rut stands out as a dramatic and captivating event. Each year, from late July through September, the bison rut transforms the park into a showcase …

Five Simple Ways To Be A Responsible Driver in Yellowstone National Park

Driving through Yellowstone National Park offers a chance to experience its stunning landscapes and diverse wildlife up close. However, it also requires a commitment to driving responsibly to protect this unique environment and ensure the safety of all visitors. By staying in your lane, following speed limits, using pullouts correctly, being mindful of wildlife, and …

Five Reasons To Book A Hiking Tour in Yellowstone National Park

Imagine stepping into a world where geysers roar, waterfalls cascade, and wildlife roams free—with nobody else around. Welcome to hiking in Yellowstone National Park, where every trail leads to an adventure of a lifetime.  While you can wander trails alone, booking a hiking tour gives you an expert at your side, helping to locate wildlife, …

Welcoming the New Addition: Newborn Bison Season in Yellowstone National Park

As the vibrant hues of spring start to paint the canvas of Yellowstone National Park, a captivating spectacle unfolds—the arrival of newborn bison. Frolicking, napping, nursing, and grazing in the warmth of the sun, seeing the newborn bison is an experience that shouldn’t be missed.   Bison are among the park’s most iconic inhabitants and …

What To Expect When Visiting Yellowstone National Park in May

Are you heading to Yellowstone in May and unsure of what to expect?  It is safe to say that May is a favorite month to visit Yellowstone National Park. The interior roads open to all, newborn wildlife can be found in every corner and the sights and sounds of the start of spring in the …

Pedal into Paradise: Spring 2024 Biking Is Now Open Between Yellowstone’s West Entrance to Mammoth Hot Springs!

As winter reluctantly loosens its grip on Yellowstone National Park, an unparalleled opportunity for adventure awaits the intrepid cyclist. Starting on Tuesday, April 2nd, cyclists can embark on a 49-mile journey between the park’s West Entrance in West Yellowstone, Montana, and the mesmerizing Mammoth Hot Springs. This thrilling route promises not only breathtaking scenery but …

Full Moon Rising: Yellowstone National Park Full Moon Tours

Embark on an unforgettable adventure with our Full Moon Hiking Tours in Yellowstone National Park. Join me on a hiking tour as I lead you along one of the park’s stunning trails, reaching a scenic, sweeping landscape view right before moonrise. As we sit in awe, you’ll have a chance to watch as the moon …

Unlocking Yellowstone: A Comprehensive Guide to Park Entrances

Heading to Yellowstone National Park in 2024? Your trip involves crucial decisions: When to visit, where to stay, what to eat, and what to see. While all of these are important, another key decision is choosing the right entrance to Yellowstone National Park. With five official entrances, each offering unique attractions, selecting the best entrance …

Embracing the Chill: A Guide’s Guide to Winter Hiking and Snowshoeing in Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park transforms into a winter wonderland each year, captivating adventurers with its serene landscapes and ethereal beauty. When the temperature drops below freezing, the park takes on a magical quality, with fresh snow sparkling as the sun hits the prairie, delicate hoarfrost clinging to the plants, and the brilliant browns of a bison’s …