Category: This Week In Yellowstone

This Week in Yellowstone: March 4th through March 10th, 2022

This Week in Yellowstone, I tell you how to maneuver in a bison jam, look at the upcoming road construction and provide an update on when you should start to see grizzly bears in the park. The snowpack isn’t great but some snow should fall this week, making it yet another perfect time to take an adventure in Yellowstone. 

This Week in Yellowstone February 18th through February 24th, 2022

O Winter, where art thou?  This week in Yellowstone, I share some exciting wildlife watching that occurred last week, provide context to the improvements coming to cell and internet service in the park, and suggest an overlooked road in the park to drive. I also take a serious look at our snowpack, before sharing my …

This Week in Yellowstone National Park- February 4th through February 10th, 2022

This week in Yellowstone, I share about a bald eagle with pied plumage seen around the park, provide an update about the wolf hunt and let you know you have a say in the future of Yellowstone’s bison. Plus, I give you a few spots to see frozen lakes and the historic town of Gardiner, Montana from the trails. If you are headed out this week, you should have an amazing time!

This Week in Yellowstone: January 21st through January 27th, 2022

This week in Yellowstone, I share the updated wolf hunt numbers from Montana, share about a wolf kill of an elk on the road in front of visitors, share about an injured boreal owl, and then tell you to go chasing frozen waterfalls. If you are headed to the park this coming week, enjoy the sun and temper those wildlife watching expectations. 

This Week in Yellowstone: January 14th through January 20th, 2022

This week in Yellowstone, I share the news about Yellowstone National Park’s 150th Anniversary plans, celebrate the release of bison out of the park, rejoice in the return of the moose, and share some can’t miss spots to hike and have a picnic. This week will be gorgeous and the roads aren’t to shabby, so pack up and head out to Yellowstone this week.

This Week in Yellowstone: January 7th through January 13th, 2022

This Week in Yellowstone, I look at the shocking number of wolves killed just outside the park, take a peek at the summer’s filling campgrounds, let you know where you can see some awesome winter wildlife watching, and even give some tips to stay warm and happy during your winter visit. Don’t forget to check out the hidden canyon with the cave!