Not every Find The Animal Friday post I have is crazy hard. For many, spotting a moose in this image is as simple as a quick glance. However, depending on your zeal to be 100% accurate, this one can be quite tricky. In this week’s post, I share a picture of not one, not two, but three moose! The first moose should be easy to spot. The second moose should be a little more of a challenge. The third and final moose is one that may take you a bit to locate. That being said, I definitely think you can find all three if you take your time!

Why did I choose this image for the week? 

The answer is pretty simple. The background of the image is a great glimpse at the ruggedness of the Yellowstone’s Northern Range during the winter months. On the cliffs in the background, frozen waterfalls can be spotted. I also feel like this location is inviting, even in the winter, as I always look back there and wonder what I may see if I head toward the rocks.

I also posted this because moose are cool animals to see and not as common to locate when visiting the park as many would like. This spot near Pebble Creek is one of the consistent locations for them to be spotted in the winter months, but as soon as the snow starts to melt, they take off.

Finally, I wanted to post this picture to let everyone know that these moose have shed their antlers. Those of us that frequent the park have been waiting to see when they would drop them, as the ones that hang out here tend to do so around the end of January or the start of February.

As always, click on the image for a much larger view.

Moose near Yellowstone’s Pebble Creek

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