Category: Articles

A Closer Look at Yellowstone National Park Visitation: May 2024

Yellowstone National Park experienced their second-busiest May in park history, receiving over half a million visitors. During May 2024, 6,426 cars entered Yellowstone National Park on average each day, totaling roughly 16,853 people every 24 hours. The majority entered through West Yellowstone. In the following sections, I’ll break down the visitation numbers with historical context, …

Navigating the Wild: A Guide to Wildlife Watching Etiquette in Yellowstone National Park

Heading out to go wildlife-watching in Yellowstone National Park is an experience that may reward you with lifelong memories. Throughout the region, animals roam free, giving those who make the effort and take their time an opportunity to see wildlife like nowhere else.  As you ready yourself for encountering the park’s diverse wildlife, it is …

Seven Winter Wonderland Adventures Around Paradise Valley, Montana

North of Yellowstone National Park’s famed North Entrance and south of the iconic town of Livingston, Montana, you’ll find Paradise Valley. Split in half by the majestic Yellowstone River and flanked to the east by the tower Absaroka-Beartoooth Mountains and Wilderness, few places inspire adventure as much here. While the area is best known for …

Why Book A Yellowstone Snowshoe Tour With Me?

Are you ready for an unforgettable adventure in the winter wonderland of Yellowstone National Park? Look no further – I am your ideal choice for a snowshoe guide to make your Yellowstone experience truly exceptional! Besides the fact that I provide the snowshoes for your experience and every tour is a private tour, here is …

What To Expect When Taking Your Pet To Yellowstone National Park

If you are hoping to hike or walk the boardwalks of Yellowstone National Park, the following information may not be what many want to read: Yellowstone National Park is not the place to take your pet if you want to see any sites beyond the pavement of the park.  I sincerely apologize for being a …

Find The Animal Friday: The One With The Coyote Ears

This week’s Find the Animal Friday comes from the Blacktail Plateau region of Yellowstone National Park. On a mid-January day, as the sun started to work down toward the western horizon, I was heading back to my car after checking out conditions of a trail I offer snowshoe tours on. The route had been pretty …

Eight Great Winter Hikes in Yellowstone National Park’s Northern Range

There is nothing quite like wandering the wintery wonderland of Yellowstone National Park’s Northern Range on foot. While you’ll be able to see a lot of amazing things from the comfort and warmth of your car, the experiences found on a pair of cross-country skis or snowshoes will leave you longing to get out into …

Find The Animal Friday: The One With The Ermine

It is once again Friday, which means we are happy to post another round of “Find the Animal Friday,” my mostly regulate weekly post to help you get your eyes ready for your Yellowstone National Park wildlife watching adventure. This week, we are searching for the illusive short-tailed weasel, also known as an ermine.Yellowstone National …

Find The Animal Friday: The One With The Coyote In Lamar

December 16th, 2022 Each week on the social media pages of The Outdoor Society, I have been posting “Find the Animal Friday” images from Yellowstone National Park.Some are easy, some are hard, but all are done to help you get ready to spot wildlife when you visit Yellowstone National Park. This week, I am sharing …

Where to See the Bighorn Sheep Rut Around Yellowstone National Park

There is nothing quite like seeing two bighorn sheep rams slam their horned heads against each other. As they turn and twist their heads, getting ready for impact, a stillness fills the air before a deafening crack echos off the cliffs from the hard heads crashing together. They may repeat the battle a few times, …