If you are hoping to hike or walk the boardwalks of Yellowstone National Park, the following information may not be what many want to read: Yellowstone National Park is not the place to take your pet if you want to see any sites beyond the pavement of the park. I sincerely apologize for being a …
Find The Animal Friday: The One With The Coyote Ears
This week’s Find the Animal Friday comes from the Blacktail Plateau region of Yellowstone National Park. On a mid-January day, as the sun started to work down toward the western horizon, I was heading back to my car after checking out conditions of a trail I offer snowshoe tours on. The route had been pretty …
Eight Great Winter Hikes in Yellowstone National Park’s Northern Range
There is nothing quite like wandering the wintery wonderland of Yellowstone National Park’s Northern Range on foot. While you’ll be able to see a lot of amazing things from the comfort and warmth of your car, the experiences found on a pair of cross-country skis or snowshoes will leave you longing to get out into …
Find The Animal Friday: The One With The Ermine
It is once again Friday, which means we are happy to post another round of “Find the Animal Friday,” my mostly regulate weekly post to help you get your eyes ready for your Yellowstone National Park wildlife watching adventure. This week, we are searching for the illusive short-tailed weasel, also known as an ermine.Yellowstone National …
Find The Animal Friday: The One With The Coyote In Lamar
December 16th, 2022 Each week on the social media pages of The Outdoor Society, I have been posting “Find the Animal Friday” images from Yellowstone National Park.Some are easy, some are hard, but all are done to help you get ready to spot wildlife when you visit Yellowstone National Park. This week, I am sharing …
Despite Flooding and Closures, Yellowstone’s 2022 Visitation Numbers Are Surprising. At least, to me.
Leading up to the intense and devastating flooding of June 2022, Yellowstone National Park and the surround communities were preparing for the yearly influx of summer visitors. The previous year, 2021, saw a record number of visitors (4.8 million) and all signs were pointing toward a repeat, if not an increase. After all, the park …
Where to Find a Toilet in Yellowstone National Park This Winter
Finding a place to relive oneself is challenging enough when visiting any national park. In Yellowstone during the winter, it is even more of a challenge. In theory, there is a place to stop every eight miles, but when you need to go, the places to stop can see like an eternity away. Having visited …
Yellowstone’s Mammoth Hot Springs Hotel To Reduce Services This Winter
Situated within walking distance to the picturesque terraces of Mammoth Hot Springs and offering quick access out to the wildlife watching wonderland of Lamar Valley, the Mammoth Hotel has been a favorite place for park visitors to stay for decades. This winter, that will change. On November 8th, Xanterra, the behemoth company in charge of …
Yellowstone’s North Entrance to Reopen to the Public for the First Time Since June 2022
It brings me great joy to finally type the following words: Yellowstone National Park’s North Entrance is finally reopening to the public. On Nov. 1st at 8am, restrictions will be lifted and individuals can drive the newly paved road connecting the park with the town of Gardiner. For four long months, since the June 2022 …
Yellowstone visitation continues to be below pre-Covid numbers
The closure of the North and Northeast gates to Yellowstone National Park led to yet another month of lowered visitation numbers. Yellowstone National Park hosted 567,587 recreation visits in September 2022. This is a 36% decrease from September 2021 (882,078 recreational visits), the most-visited September on record, and an 18% decrease from September 2019 (693,118) …