Category: News

Yellowstone Superintendent Cam Sholly Addresses How Yellowstone Is Planning to Move Forward Immediately After Historic Floods

June 14th, 2022. 11:10am MST The following information is directly from Yellowstone National Park Superintendent Cameron (Cam) Sholly via multiple sources. This is all the information we currently have from Yellowstone National Park and I will be updating this and other relevant information as quickly as I can. Please know that this situation is still …

The Beartooth Highway is Open for 2022! (Again)

After opening for a handful of hours on May 27th, the scenic and amazing Beartooth Highway was quickly closed due to a serious snowstorm slamming the region over Memorial Day Weekend. The closure lasted for 12 days, before officials announced it was reopening on Thursday, June 9th. The road will be open until it is …

The First Bison Goring of 2022 Has Occurred in Yellowstone National Park

It brings me no glee or happiness to report that the first reported bison goring of the year has occurred in Yellowstone National Park. On the morning of May 30, 2022, a visitor from Ohio was tossed 10 feet into the air after goring them. The woman who was injured was reportedly 10 feet away …

Olympic National Park’s Ruby Beach to be Closed This Spring/Summer

On March 30th, 2022, Olympic National Park officials announced that the Ruby Beach area of Olympic National Park would be closed for at least part of the summer. In a somewhat vague press release, a construction project was announced for the road and parking area at this popular and scenic spot along the wild Olympic …

Grizzly Bears Are Now Active in Yellowstone National Park!

We can “bearly” contain our happiness with this news! The first official grizzly bear sighting of 2022 has occurred in Yellowstone National Park! The inevitable return to warmer weather is showing signs of occurring. We are a still a long ways off from wildflowers and open Park roads, but the bears are “waking up.”

Happy Birthday, Mount Olympus National Monument

On March 2nd, 1909, Teddy Roosevelt used the Antiquities Act to create Mount Olympus National Monument, now known as Olympic National Park. Thanks to people like Lieutenant O’Neil and the Press Expedition, the mystery of America’s mountainous Shangri-La started to be explored, mapped and shared with the world. Their experiences and stories captivated the minds …

Pictures of the eruption of Old Faithful

Yellowstone National Park’s Cell and Internet Service to Improve

If you follow any social media site about Yellowstone, I am sure you have already heard this news. On February 14th, YNP officials issued a press release that read “Yellowstone to Improve Telecommunication Systems in Developed Areas.” This immediately set off an online firestorm, with people bemoaning that the improvements will destroy the park. The fury and outrage was so great that I had to run outside to make sure that the sky was not actually falling.

Turns out, the sky is not falling, nor are the improvements going to negatively impact the park. Those who took the time to read beyond the headlines discovered that the updates will not only improve life for rangers and park staff, but will also help restore views around the park by removing unsightly towers. 

Yellowstone National Park Invites You to Help Decide the Future of Bison

Yellowstone National Park’s bison are unique and incredible, surviving a near extinction and rebounding back to a healthy population within the borders of America’s first National Park. Now, the National Park Service is asking for your thoughts on the best way to continue to support these incredible ungulates. In the past, once the herd became too big, bison would be gathered when they left the park boundaries and culled. Now, with support from indigenous populations around North America, there is a resounding push to increase the range and habits of the national mammal of America. The best part is that you, yes you, can have a say in their future.

Yellowstone 2022 Backcountry Permits Will Be Available Online

Hoping to backpack in the majesty of Yellowstone National Park in 2022? You can now get your permits online. Starting on March 1st, 2022, those interested in camping in the wilds of this wonderland can start reserving a site far from the hustle and bustle near the park’s roads. The following is a press release …

What the New NPS Mask Requirement Means For National Park Visitors

On February 2nd, 2021, nearly a full year after Covid-19 infected every aspect of life in the United States and around the world, a mask requirement has been issued for all National Park lands. It is straight forward and very simple to follow, helping to keep everyone safe.