Tag: Volcano

Climbing Mount Hood This Year? Better Bring a Gas mask.

Thanks to our historically low snowpack over the winter of 2014-15, the mountains of the Pacific Northwest are not nearly as snowy as they should be.  With warmer temperatures, the peaks we know and love are struggling to regain any of the powdery goodness. While most assume that a low snowpack only hurts the skiers and …

Climbing Mount Saint Helens: Worm Flow Route

The Experience Mount St Helens is often overlooked, now a hollowed out shell of what used to be a majestic mountain in the southern Cascade Mountain Range in Washington State. On May 18th, 1980, the mountain, which once stood 9,677 feet above sea level, experienced a violent eruption. The eruption took 1,310 feet off the …

Volcano Eruption Pictures Never Cease to Amaze: Villarrica Edition

I was born in the shadows of volcanoes. My life has been spent looking in craters or exploring the slopes of volcanos that could erupt. I live in the Pacific Northwest, home to volcanoes that are dead, erupted or waiting for their moment. My year of birth is 1981, meaning I missed the eruption of Mount Saint …