Tag: Snowpack

Olympic Mountain Snowpack: Christmas Week 2016

As a resident of the Puget Sound Region of the PNW, I never expect a White Christmas. If you are a resident of Western Washington, you shouldn’t either. Over the last century, the city of Seattle has only had four Christmas Days with snowfall. In outlying areas, the total is higher, but not much. In the Pacific Northwest, …

Olympic Mountain Snowpack: Dec. 16th, 2016

The last week of fall is here, meaning that true winter is just around the corner. For most of the Olympic Peninsula, winter has been in full force for the better part of December. After a wet and wild fall, cold air is sitting on our region, giving our mountains a well-deserved blanket of snow. …

Olympic Mountain Snowpack: Dec 9th, 2016

Snow has fallen all around the lowlands of the Pacific Northwest, so you know what time it is! Welcome to the first of many snowpack updates for the Olympic Mountains for the winter of 2016-17. As I am writing this, I am watching the four inches of snow we received last night in Olympia melt …

Saying Goodbye to the Olympic Mountain’s Quickly Melting Snowpack

As we have been reporting all year, the snowpack of Washington State is quickly vanishing after a slightly above average snowfall last winter. Right now, the majority of Washington State is below 50% of average snowpack, with some regions close to or at zero. The Olympic Mountains, which The Outdoor Society primarily focuses on, are at …

Pacific Northwest Snowpack Melting at Record Pace

Back in October of 2015, the endless summer of warm temperatures and sunny days suddenly vanished, replaced by endless, record setting rainfall and a ridiculously healthy snowpack in the Cascade and Olympic Mountains. Skiers and snowboarders rejoiced as their mountains became white and fluffy, while hikers slogged along on muddy, soaked trails. Numerous roads around …

Olympic Mountain Snowpack Update: April 4th, 2016

Despite extremely warm temperatures and sunny skies to end March and start April, the snowpack of the Olympic Mountains has barely changed. In fact, it appear that in the higher elevations, barely any snow had melted. Many of you will probably assume that the high temperatures put a nice dent in our snowpack, but the …

Olympic Mountain Snowpack Update: March 21st, 2016

For anyone that has headed out on a hike into the elevation of the Olympics, you know that the snowpack in the mountains is quite impressive this year. Last year, when we should have been neck deep in powder on our favorite trails, we were met with snow-free summits and dry creek beds. Hikers were spoiled …

The Olympic Mountain Snowpack: Winter 2015-16

After a record low snowpack during the winter of 2014-15, the Olympic Mountains have once again returned to their snowy splendor. The winter of 2015-16 is on record as being a normal year, but compared to the barren peaks of last year, normal seems quite impressive. Across the mountain tops and even down in the …

Unwrapping a White Christmas in the Olympic Mountains

I never expect a White Christmas, and if you are a resident of Western Washington, you shouldn’t either. Over the last century, the city of Seattle has only had four Christmas Days with snowfall. In outlying areas, the total is higher, but not much. In the Pacific Northwest, snowy holidays are what we see on Instagram or …